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Born into a folk music family, Koki Nakamura, drawing upon the experiences and skills accumulated over time, proposes a new sonic realm. This involves preserving and evolving the traditional tones of the Tsugaru shamisen and the charm of folk songs. While safeguarding the traditional allure, Nakamura incorporates elements of contemporary music, exploring the potential of traditional performing arts in the present era.
民謡一家に生まれ育った中村滉己が、これまで積み重ねた経験と技術を基盤に、新たな音世界を提 案する。それは、伝統的な津軽三味線の音色と民謡の魅力を守りながらも、進化させること。今の時代の音楽要素も取り入れ、伝統芸能の可能性を模索する。

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